Birdwatching in Bukit Barisan National Park

Bukit Barisan National Park
This 356,800-ha park covers the southern tip of the Barisan range and just out as a spur into the Sunda Strait. It could act as a funned for migratory passerines and raptors between August and October but this has never been checked out; the mosaic of scrub, forest and grassland around Bimbing looks particularly promising.

The whole park is below 700 m, making it an excellent place to see lowland forest specialities, and it boasts spectacular coastal scenery. The best birding excursion is the 4-day circular trek from Tambung across the southern tip to Belimbing, returning along a new track, which follows the coast. There is an alternative return route from Belimbing via the caves at Way Paya, which could be good.

In the northern part of the park there is a trail that leads into excellent forest and across the peninsula from the PHPA post at Sukaraja.

Key species
Beach Thick-knee, Great Argus, Pink-necked Green Pigeon, Pied and green Imperial Pigeons, Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot, Raffles Malkoha, Blue-banded Kingfisher, Rhinoceros Hornbill, Olive-backed Woodpecker, Black-and-yellow Broadbill, Rail Babblers, Purple-naped Sunbird, Black Magpie.

Getting there
The town to head for is Kota Agung. There are daily buses from Bandar Lampung; the journey time is approximately 4 hrs and the fare IDR 7,500. if you fly to Bandar Lampung, taxis at the airport will drive you to Kota Agung for $40-45.

General Information
The national Park office is at Jl Raya Terbaya, this is 1.5 km before downtown Kota Agung on the main road from Lampung. Park entrance fee is IDR 7,500. You are obliged to take a park guide to enter the park ($10/IDR 90,000 per day)

source: Birding Indonesia. periplus Publishing. Singapore