Showing posts with label Birdwatching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birdwatching. Show all posts

Suara Cucak Biru Yang Rajin Berkicau dan Lincah

Ya, suara cucak biru memang rajin berkicau dan lincah perilakunya. Bunyi yang keluar hampir sama dengan burung kicauan lainnya, tapi frekuensi bersiulnya lebih sering. Ukurannya besar mendekati cucak rawa. Tubuhnya dominan warna biru bercampur hitam. Memang bila dibandingkan dengan cucak rawa masih kalah kelas. Namun, pantas Anda koleksi sebagai burung klangenan di antara jenis-jenis burung kicauan yang sudah ada.
Suara Cucak Biru Yang Rajin Berkicau dan Lincah
Cucak biru jantan dan betina
Harga cucak biru terbilang murah bila dibandingkan dengan cucak-cucak lainnya. Untuk bakalan berkisar puluhan ribu sampai ratusan ribu, tapi untuk yang sudah jadi atau rajin bersiul bisa mencapai jutaan Rupiah. Di pasaran, memang terbilang kurang begitu diminati oleh para pecinta kicauan burung. Jenis burung ini bebas diperjualbelikan karena memang bukan termasuk satwa yang dilindungi.

Biar suara cucak biru rajin berkicau dan gerakan lincah, pakan yang diberikan haruslah berkualitas seperti diberi pakan kroto, ulat hongkong, jangkrik dan buah pisang. Sosok burung yang biasa disebut blue bird ini besar, hampir serupa dengan kutilang atau kepodang. Panjang badan sekitar 26 cm, panjang sayap sekitar 12,5 cm dan panjang ekor sekitar 10 cm.

Membedakan kelamin cucak biru sangat mudah karena penampilannya begitu mencolok. Bulu burung jantan lebih cerah dibandingkan dengan bulu burung betina. Bulu burung jantan mulai dari bagian mahkota kepala, belakang leher, punggung, sampai separuh bulu ekor dan pangkal sayap berwarna biru mengkilap. Bulu penutup badan dan selebihnya hitam. Berbeda dengan bulu burung betina yang sebagian besar biru kusam, bulu penutupnya kehijau-hijauan dan ujung bulu sayap coklat gelap. Baik cucak biru yang jantan dan betina memiliki mata warna merah tua, bulu iris merah, paruh hitam dan kuat, kaki tampak kekar dan kuat.

Persebaran burung ini mulai dari Sumatra, Jawa, Kalimantan, Malaysia, Vietnam dan India. Habitatnya menempati hutan dataran rendah sampai hutan di ketinggian 1.200 meter dpl. Burung ini hidup di atas pepohonan secara berkelompok 7-8 ekor tiap pohon di tepi sungai. Saat musim buah, mereka akan suka terbang sampai ke dekat permukiman penduduk yang dekat hutan. Memiliki kecepatan terbang yang tinggi, jarang sekali turun ke tanah.

Musim berbiak cucak biru mulai Oktober sampai dengan Mei. Saat musim berkembang biak, pasangan burung ini membuat sarang berbentuk mangkuk yang tersembunyi di tajuk pohon. Bahan untuk membuat sarang, antara lain; ranting-ranting halus, akar-akaran, dan serat-serat rerumputan. Setiap bertelur berjumlah 2 butir, berwarna putih kehijauan dengan bintik-bintik coklat muda.

Bagi pecinta burung, suara cucak biru yang rajin berkicau dan lincah ini dinilai layak untuk dikoleksi. Para pecinta burung kicauan Indonesia menyebutnya kecembang, burung besi atau sekar gadung. Nama ilmiahnya Irena puella, masuk famili Oriolidae atau kepodang-kepodangan.

Bunot Bolong

it is to avoid the bustling southern coastal route on the way back home, and one final deviation is proposed. At Seririt, turn inland on the road to Pupuan, and drive through incredible mountain scenery. Bear right in Pupuan on the road signposted Negara, and the way becomes ever more spectacular. Rounding a bend, you will be surprised to find the road passing through the bole of an immense figtree. Bunut bolong (fig-tree hole) is the name of the place. Stop here; from the edge of the road, a leisurely scan of the forested valley may produce sightings of hornbills, barbets, and even the forest kingfisher and Hill Myna.

At Pekutatan, it is no longer possible to avoid the coastal road and by the time you reach Tabanan you will probably be heartily sick of it. So wahy not hop up to ubud via mengwi? Here, you can round off the tour with a relaxing bird walk in the countryside and enjoy some common or garden birds.

taken from Birding Indonesia. Periplus Publishing. Singapore

Birdwatching in Kerinci-Seblat National Park (Sumatra)

The massive and spectacular Kerinci-Seblat National Park in west Sumatra covers the large fertile Kerinci valley, and is one of Asia’s premier birding sites. The most popular base is the village of Kerisik Tua at the foot of Mt Kerinci, at 3,800 m the highest peak west of Papua. The trail up the mountain takes you through a succession of habitats culminating in sub-alpine heath and bogs towards the summit, but it is at the lower altitudes that several of Sumatra’s rarest endemics are regularly seen.
Other recommended birding sites in the vicinity are the Letter “W” waterfall and the Mt Tujuh trail, but other possibilities remain to be explored. Muaro Sako, on the road between Sungai Penuh, the main town in the valley, and Tapan, on the west coast, are good areas to see lower-altitude species.
Key species
Bronze-tailed Peacock-pheasant
Bronze-tailed Peacock-pheasant, Salvadori’s Pheasant, Red-billed Partridge, Horsfield’s Woodcock, Waterfall Swift, Weathed Hornbill, Fire-tufted Barbet, Orange-backed Woodpecker, Schneider’s Pitta, Pink-headed Fruit-dove, Blue-tailed Trogon, Blue-masked Leaf-ird, Sunda Laughing-thrush, Rusty-breasted Wren-babbler, Sumatran Cochoa, Sunda Treepie.
taken from Birding Indonesia. Periplus Publishing. Singapore

Birdwatching in Kerisik Tua Area

By bus the village of Kerisik Tua is at the northern end of the kerinci valley, 49 km before Sungai penuh on the inland road from padang. Anak Gunung, Gunung Kerinci and Safa Marwa bus companies operate night services from Padang to sungai Penuh, via Kerisik Tua, leaving the bus station on Jl Pemuda between 5.00 and 7.00 pm, and arriving at kerisik Tua at 2.00 or 3.00 am. It is advisable to book tickets ($3.5) in the morning from the company offices in the bus station. Safa Marwa also operates a tourist minibus which departs at 10 am, but you have to book a ticket ($8) at least two days in advance. It is not possible to buy return tickets in Kerisik Tua, so you must either travel to Sungai Penuh or arrange a return pick-up with the driver. Better still, return via Muaro Sako. Your hotel in Padang can easily arrange a taxi for the 5-6 hr journey to kerisik Tua; excpect to pay $95.

Traveling overland from north or south Sumatra, take a bus along the Trans-Sumatran Highway as far as Bangko, 1,119 km south of Medan or 829 km north of Bandar Lampung. At Bangko leave the Trans-Sumatran and take a bus westwards to Sungai Penuh, a tortous, nerve-shattering journey of c. 5 hrs, IDR 20,000 ($ 2.00). From Sungai Penuh it is a further 1.5 hrs to Keresik Tua, departures 9.00 am, 11.00 am and 5.00 pm by local bus: $1.50.

Birders stay at homestay keluarga subandi in Kerisik Tua, located towards the south of the village, 50 m from the mosque and opposite the track through the te plantation to Mt Kerinci. Pak Subandi keeps a bird log and speaks some English. $3.00 a night per person, $1.50 per meal. There are two warung in the village. Pak Subandi will not be too put out if you arrive on a 2 am bus, but it would be polite to send him a telegram beforehand via the Eco-Rural address. There are no phones in Kerisik Tua.

General information
Permits to enter the park can be obtained at the PHPA post halfway between Kerisik Tua and the start of the Kerinci trail, or at Mt Tujuh. The main National Park office is SBKSDA office Jambi, Jl Arief Rahman Hakim No. 10, Jambi. Management: Kompleks Prkantoran Pemuda Kerinci, Jl Arga Selebar Daun, Sungai Penuh, Kerinci Seblat, Jambi.

A village cooperative called Eco-Rural (Eco-cultural Travel Cooperative, Jl Raya Sungai Penuh-Muara Labuh, Desa Kerisik Tua RT.V, Dusun III No. 19, Kayu Aro, Kerinci) organizes an excellent range of basic visitor services in the area. The cooperative has five homestays with a total of 20 rooms, provides guides ($10 per day), rents tents and sleeping bags ($2 per day), and will arrange transport around the area and back to Padang. All these services are arranged through your homestay owner. May-August is the best time to visit.

taken from Birding Indonesia. Periplus Publishing. Singapore

Bedugul-Mountain Birds and Cool Vistas

Winding up and over the pass, we reach the area known as Bedugul, and a few hundred metres beyond the summit is the colourful fruit and flower market at Candikuning. A little further down the hill, on the left just before the lakeside, is a sign announcing Lila Graha.

Make the most of the two hours’ or so daylight remaining with a short excursion to the lake. Opposite the lila Graha is the entrance to the Ashram Guest House. Cut through the Ashram’s garden to the Balinese gate and continue by the lakeside, where a wonderful array of painted lady butterflies sun themselves on the paved pathway. The trail leads up into the tall trees and comes out in the gardens of the hotel bedugul. This little pocket of forest is full of birds, and is probably the best place anywhere to pick up the elusive lesser Shortwing, whose tantalisting crescendo is one of the most prevalent jungle sounds. At each bend in the trail, carefully check the way ahead. Here you will easily spot all three babblers-horsfield’s, the endemic Crescent-chested and Chesnut-backed Scimitar-babbler-and such little beauties as Yellow-bellied and Mountain Leaf-warblers, Mountain Tailorbird, Grey-headed Flycatcher, and all three White-eyes: Oriental, Mountain and Java Grey-throated, the latter very common.

Early next morning visit the Botanical gardens up the small road leading from the traffic island next to the market-place. Dawn is good for thrushes-Sunda and Orange-headed at the edge of the lawn, 200 m into the grounds, and scaly Thrush by the temple and Sulphur fissure at the topmost point. Loads of Grey-cheeked Green Pigeons and Short-tailed Starlings, as well as Ashy Drongo, Babblers, Honeyeaters and Common Golden Whistlers, will keep you busy until well into the morning.

source: Birding Indonesia. Periplus Publishing. Singapore

Birdwatching in Sulawesi Peninsula Ujung Pandang

Ujung Pandang
Ujung Pandang is the capital and administrative centre of the province of south Sulawesi. It is the main point of entry for the south of the island and the base for a trip to Lake Tempe and the very popular Tana Toraja area. Ujung Pandang’s hasanuddin (international) airport, the gateway to eastern Indonesia, is well connected to the rest of the archipelago.
Birdwatching in Sulawesi Peninsula Ujung Pandang
Sultan Hasanudin International Airport

Getting there
By air the airport is 25 km north of town on the road to Maros, 30 min’s drive. The half hour taxi ride into town costs $6 or $8 AC, or you can walk 500 m to the main road and catch a bemo for $1 including luggage.

By sea five pelni ships call at Ujung pandang on fixed schedules of 14 days.
By bus there is a daily bus service to and from all the major towns in South Sulawesi, however getting out of Ujung Pandang can be a hassle. Coaches and minibuses to other towns leave from terminal Pasar Daya at km 15. allow at least a half hor for the journey. First take a bemo (IDR 1,000) or becak (IDR 2,000-IDR 4,000) to Sentral (the central bemo terminus) and from there a second bemo to Panaikan. From here, buses leave regularly throughout the day up to 7 pm.

Ujung Pandang is expensive by Indonesian standars. At the lower end of the scale there are many cheap penginapan around the part area, but these are not recommended. Most of the larger hotels add 21% service and tax; smaller ones may add 10%.
The main attraction of eating out in Ujung Pandang is the seafood: huge shrimps and lobsters, dark-skinned fish with delicate white flesh, and giant, jucy crabs. There is an enormous range of restaurants as wel as several hundred metres of warung along the seafront.
source Birding Indonesia. Periplus Publishing. Singapore

Surrounding Bali: landscape, Religion

The southern slopes of Bali’s central volcanoes are heavely cultivated and rice terraces extend high up the mountain sides. This area is the cradle of Bali’s rich and ancient civilization. It is virtually the only region of Indonesia that remains Hindu today, left to go its own way during the wave of Islamization that swept through the archipelago in the 15th century, they were so fascinated by what they found that they made a concerted effort to conserve and foster Bali’s traditional culture.

As traditional Balinese art commonly features birds, a painting would features birds, a painting would seem to make the ideal souvenir. It is quite a challenge, however to find a piece depicting only native species American Cardinals. Australian Rossellas and south American toucans regularly pop up among the lotus pools and nymphs-just one example of the ease with which Balinese culture accepts new and foreign elements. Perhaps the growing popularity of bird-watching will help the Balinese to appreciate the beuty and variety of their own native birds.

Nowhere matches Bali for such a fusion of birds, landscapes and cultures-for birders with eclectic interests it is an island not to be missed.

Moluccas Birding: Into the interior deep forest

Into the interior
Park ranger will act as your guides for longer treks into the park; supplies can be bought in Wahai. The best birding route is a circular, 7-10 day trek from Wahai to kanikeh and Selumena in the Manusela valley, returning to Wahai via the Kobipoto ridge and the Mual plains. However, many people like to trek across the island, continuing on from Selumena to Manusela and then crossing the Binaya ridge to Mosso on the south coast. A third option is to return from Selumena to Pasahari by a less interesting, 3- day hike down the Isal valley, which forms the eastern border of the park. The village of Kanikeh, at the entrance to the cultivated Manusela valley, is a 4-day walk from Wahai (3 days if you relly move).

Spend the first two days on the trail that leads to the village of Roho; it passes through a logging concession where the forest is disturbed, but this does not detract from the birding. Raucous screeches will alert you to groups of Salmon-crested Cockatoos, either flying overhead or collecting in a roosting tree. Listen also for the strident call of the Lazuli Kingfisher, sitting high on an exposed vantage point. Other notable species on this part of the walk are likely to be Forsten’s Megapode (recently split off from orange-footed Scrubfowl as a separate species), Pale Cicada bird, Moluccan Cuckoo-shrike, Spectacled Monarch, Streak-breasted Fantail and Long-crested Myna.

After Roho, the trail enters uncut forest and steadly climbs a ridge. The forest here is stunted and bird densities are relatively low. However, views of Moluccan King Parrot, Blyth’s Hornbill, White bibbed Fruit-dove, Golden Bulbul and Rufous Fantail will maintain your interest until, after 3-4 hrs, the trail drops down to the Wasa Mata river and an overnight shelter.

If your time is limited you may wish to press on to Kanikeh, a further 4- to 5-hr walk. But this section of the trail passes through a beautiful mosaic of bamboo and mid-montane forest which is worth giving time to, especially as it is the habitat of the fabulous Purple-naped Lory. Which feeds on flowering rattan or the red fruits of a climbing pandan.

The inhabitantsof Kanikeh, a village of 60 houses on a ridge above the Wae Ule river, have supplemented their meager incomes for at least 50 years by catching Purple-naped Lories and trading them on the coast. Using a decoy lorry, villagers attract wild lories to nylon snares wrapped around exposed branches. A good decoy lorry is a treasured family possession. Around Kanikeh look out for Drab Myzomela in the tree tops. Bicoloured Darkeye is common in the area and there is a good chance of Nicobar Pigeon, Cinnamon-chested Flycatcher and Black-fronted White-eye.
Source: Birding Indonesia. Periplus Publishing. Singapore

Birdwatching in Lore Lindu National Park (Sulawesi)

Lore Lindu National Park
The 200,000 ha Lore Lindu National Park in the north of central Sulawesi is one of Asia’s premier birding destinations-it is possible to see 80% of sulawesi’s 96 endemic bird species in a visit of 4-5 days. The park covers the Lindu, Besoa, Bada and Napu valleys-famous for their ancient megaliths-and the mountain ridges in between. Birders tend to head for the higher ground where most of the endemics are found, and the most popular base is Kamarora at the northern edge of the park on the road to the Napu Velley. For those wishing to really get to know the park, an extensive system of trails links the different valleys, although bird densities seem lower in the southern parts of the park.

Key species
Many of Sulawesi’s endemics can be seen at Tangkoko and dumoga Bone; what sets Lore Lindu apart is the easy access to high altitude forests which have a distinct set of endemics. Birds like: Malia, Sulphur-bellied, Yellow-flanked and Maroon-backed Whistlers, White-eyed Myza, Streak-headed Darkeye and Fiery-browed Myna.

Other wildlife
Both species of Sulawesi’s endemic dwarf buffalo, or anoa. Black Macaques and babirusa.

Getting there
Access to Lore Lindu is via Palu, the provincial capital of Central Sulawesi. You can get to the park by bus (from the main bus station-Masomba market terminal), or yoou can organize a 4-wheel drive vehicle and driver from one of the tourist agents in Palu.

Both have their disadvantages. If you go by bus, do not be surprised if the journey takes most of a day, as this road is probably the worst in the southern hemisphere. A 4WD vehicle, on the other hand, can be expensive. A good compromise is to hire transport for a day to take you to the pass at the Anaso turn-off (as high as a vehicle can go) and, after the day’s birding, ask the driver to drop you at Kamarora on the way back. If you choose this option, start early from Palu, or you will get to the top too late for the early birds. Allow at least 4 hrs for this trip.

General Information
If trekking between the areas below, a guide is advised as trails are poorly way-marked. Horses or porters can be hired to carry packs. There are PHPA posts in most villages, the staff of which are welcoming to guests provided that you have park entry permits from the SKSDA office in Palu.

To get to the Napu Valley, take the direct public bus from Palu and stay at the losmen with restaurant; for the Bada valley (Gintu), there is a MAF flight from Poso, then take a jeep to the homestays. Tentena (Poso) is a 2-day walk from Gimpu. To go to Saluki, take the direct bus from Palu, and walk one hour to the Maleo watchtowers. Toro is connected to Palu by a daily direct bus and you can stay at the PHPA post there. The Lindu Valley is accessible via public bus from Palu to Sidaunta; (where you can stay at the homestay at the PHPA post) then continue by horse or foot.

Kamarora is the place to base yourself when visiting the park.

The very basic PHPA bungalows in Kamarora can accommodate up to 15 people; book in advance at PHPA Palu office, Jl Parman 9, no restaurant; bring your own food from Palu and make arrangements with the ranger’s wife to cook it.

General Information
It is essential to get a permit for the park. Obtain it from the BKSDA office at JL Mohammed Yamin (road known also as “jalur dua”) before leaving Palu. Costs IDR 5,000.

Moluccas Birding: Getting Wahai, don't miss it

The pleasant coastal village of Wahai is a day’s journey from Ambon. Early each morning direct buses leave Ambon’s Merdeka bus terminal, cross to seram by ferry and continue to saka, a small collection of huts and a jetty nestling by the side of enormous cliffs on Seram’s north coast. Public speed boats meet the buses in the late afternoon and whisk you off on an exhilarating, 2-hr dash along the coast to Wahai. As you pass the spectacular limestone cliffs-the end of a rugged ridge which still defies the road engineers-lookout for flocks of migratory Australian Pelicans loafing on sandbanks.

Just 8 km to the east of Wahai is the boundary of a broad swathe of the National Park that sweeps down to the sea. A day spent birding along the road tha runs through it to Pasahari provides a superb introduction to seram’s birds. Species to look for here include Gurney’s Eagle, Oriental Hobby and Pacific Baza soaring over the forest edge, Lazuli Kingfisher in partially cleared areas, Metallic pigeon, Claret-breasted Fruit-dove and Long crested Myna in the swamp forest and common bush-hen in the grasslands. You will soon be over familiar with the ubiquitous, explosive pprow calls of seram friarbird, the island’s most common endemic. It is so accurately mimicked by the black-naped oriole that most people leave seram unsure wheter they have relly seen the oriole. With the help of the National Park Rangers, a number of pleasant “off road” excursions can be arranged in this area: you can walk to the edge of the mangroves or through the swamp forest, or even float down the rivers to the sea on a bamboo raft.

Either on the way out or back (depending on the tides) check out the mangrove-lined mud-flats in air besar bay, just 2 km east of wahai. There are usually a few Australian ibises around and good range of shorebirds-and possibility of Channel-billed Cuckoos-in the migration season. The small patch of forest behind the quay is good for common Paradise-Kingfisher.

Source: Birding Indonesia. Periplus Publishing. Singapore

Sooty-headed Bulbul

Sooty-headed Bulbul (Pycnonotus aurigaster)

Description: Medium-sized (20 cm), black-capped bulbul with whittish rump and orange; chin and top of head black; neck, rump, chest and belly white; back, wings and tail brown.
Iris-red; bill-black; feet-black.

Voices: melodious calls and loud notes 'chook, chook'
Distribution and status: South China, South East Asia, Sumatra (introduced), Java, Bali and South Sulawesi (introduced). In Java and Bali this is one of the ,most widespread and common species up to about 1600 m above sea level.

Habits: Lives in noisy, active flocks, often mixing with other bulbuls, mixed flocks or drongo flocks. Prefers open wooded or bushly habitats, forest edge secondary growth, parks and gardens, even in large town.
Diet: small fruits and berries and some insects.

Breeding: The nest is cup-shaped, neatly woven from twigs, leaves and fine fibres. Two or three eggs, heavely, pappered purple and grey are laid. Breeding is redorded for all months except November but the peak season is from April to September.

Race: P.a.aurigaster was formerly confined to Java and Bali, now introducec to Sumatra.

Birds in Urban City

In general the bird fauna of towns tends to have a lower species richness and divesity than nearby forest, but the biomass and density are higher, and there are a very few dominant species. In addition, the major guild shifts from the bark and canopy insect eaters to ground feeders. These changes are not surprising since relatively few urban trees exceed 10 m in height, and they are often widely dispersed between large areas of grass or hedges. The total number of individual birds and bird species is low in urban centres. Part of the reason is the predatory habits of young children with catapults, but ecological reasons include the lack of fruit suitable for birds and the few insects able to utilizzze the 'foreign' trees, leading to less food being available for insectivorous or partially-insectivorous birds.

The eurasian tree sparrow has spread widely in Indonesia. It is native of Eurpe, Russia and China, an probably first arrived in Indonesia aboard ships in the 16TH and 17TH centuries. The most frequent feeding preference is for insects accounting for 24 of the 39 species above. Some of these eat insects as a major part of their diet, while others eat insects as an important component of their diets when a higher protein intake is required such as during moulting or breeding or when they are feeding young. Insects are more abundant on trees with finely-divided leaves such as Samanea, Casuarina, Delonix, Parkia and Albazia, probably because of the greater number pf potensial resting places. Insect-rich microhabitats are also created by the growth of epiphytes, creepers and climbers on the trees.

The proprtion of nectarivorous birds is very small, but they are attractive to urban dwellers because of their bright colurs and their pleasing songs. In addition, the flowers from which they suck nectar are generally large and showy to attract these birds (as well as butterflies) to heights at which they can be easily seen, lants such as Hibiscus rosasinensis, Ixora and Calliandra can be planted.

Birds need not only food, but also places and materials for nesting. Two of the most favoured nesting materials are the fluffy seeds from Ceiba pentandra and long grass. Certain swiflets also use the dead leaves of Casuarina. Thus, these plants must be available in any area where birds are being encoraged to live. Hole-nesting birds can also be encouraged by leaving dead boughs in place, but only where human life is not endangered. In summary the best way to attract birds to urban areas is to provide areas of heterogenerous vegetation-tall aand short trees, shrubs and undergrowth, including long grass-and protecting from catapults.

Derita Pipit Jawa di Ruang Terbuka Hijau

Burung pipit jawa mudah dijumpai oleh kita. Di ruang terbuka hijau, burung ini banyak bersarang di pepohonan. Sarang burung  dibuat dari campuran plastik, kertas, tali plastik dan dedaunan. Anak-anak kecil sering mengusik sarang burung ini. Mereka mengambil sarang yang sudah  berisi piyik. Nantinya, piyik burung pipit ini dipelihara oleh anak-anak di kandang. Setiap sarang berisi piyik dengan jumlah antara 4-6 anakan. Kelak, jika piyik sudah bisa terbang, burung ini akan dapat kembali ke kandang dengan sendirinya.

Sayangnya, burung pipit ini mudah cepat mati. Burung pipit ini tidak sempat berkembang biak. Ia tidak sempat menemukan pasangan hidupnya. Jadi, ada baiknya kita tidak usah mengambil sarang burung pipit jawa di ruang terbuka hijau. Lebih baik kita membiarkan burung pipit ini hidup di alam terbuka. Bukankah ruang terbuka hijau di daerah perkotaan sudah sangat sempit? Hati kita akan lebih senang dan damai mendengar kicauan burung di ruang terbuka hijau. Perasaan indah mewarnai hidup kita ketika burung-burung pipit jawa saling bercanda dan bernyanyi dengan teman-temannya. Buat siapa saja di seluruh penjuru dunia, biarkanlah burung pipit jawa hidup berdampingan dengan kita.

Pipit Jawa

Pipit Jawa (Lonchura leucogastroides)

Bahasa Indonesia: Bondol Jawa, Pipit

Deskripsi: (11 cm),  hitam, coklat dan putih pipit bertubuh kecil. Bagian atas coklat,  sisi-sisi gelap ekor bagian bawah putih coklat, atas dan dada hitam;  tampak jelas berwarna putih di depan perut, warna putih semakin berkurang ke belakang. putih;.Iris-coklat-keabu-abuan, kaki-coklat; Suara: cheeps lembut 'chi-ee-ee'

Distribusi dan status: Singapura (pendatang), Sumatera Selatan, Jawa, Bali dan Lombok. Di Jawa dan Bali, spesies ini mudah dijumpai hingga pada ketinggian 1500 m dpl.

Kebiasaan:bergerombol di sekitar tanaman budidaya.Hidup berpasangan. Mencari makan di atas tanah atau rerumputan; sering berkicau di sawah-sawah dan di pohon besar.

Diet: biji-bijian, padi.

Pembiakan: sarang berbentuk bola berongga yang menyisakan lubang untuk pintu masuk. Sarang sering ditemukan di pangkal pelepah palem atau semak-semak. Musim perkawinan  sepanjang tahun. Empat atau lima putih telur diletakkan.

Sumber: MacKinnon, John.1991.Field Panduan untuk Burung-burung Jawa dan Bali. Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.

Javan Munia

Javan Munia (Lonchura leucogastroides)
Indonesian : Bondol Jawa, Pipit

Description : Smallish (11 cm), solid, black, brown and white finch. Upperparts brown,  unstreaked; face and upper chest black; belly sides and flanks white undertail dark brown. Distinguished from white-bellied munia by lack of pale streaks on back, lack of yellowish tinge on tail, clean edge between black chest  and white abdomen and white, rather than brown, flanks.
Iris-brown; bill-brown; feet-greyish
Voice : soft cheeps ‘chee-ee-ee’

Distribution and status: Singapore (introduced), South Sumatra, Java, Bali and Lombok. In Java and Bali this is a very common and widespread species up to 1500 m.

Habits: Frequents all kinds of cultivated areas and natural grassy patches. Forms flocks during rice harvest but usually pair-living or in small parties. Feeds on the ground or plucks seed from grass heads; spends much time in noisy chirping and grooming in large trees. Diet : Grass seeds, rice.

Breeding: The nest is a loose hollow sphere of grass blades or other material fixed quite high in a tree among ephiphytes, palm axils or other confined spot. Breeding is year-round. Four or five white eggs are laid.

Source: MacKinnon, John.1991.Field Guide to The Birds of Java and Bali. Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.

A Bird nest in my back-yard home

Imagine, in your home occur the birds fly around your front and back yard or on your garden. The sound from sing a song of bird. Watching bird stand on the flower to get nectar. A Bird looking for seed on the ground, a bird drinking water and washing on the pond. So peaceful and heavenly.
In keeping birds in your home the following points have to be considered
1. Well good vegetation
2. Available the pond
3. Enough feed
In my back-yard has lot of trees. One of them is petai (leguminoceae). It is tall tree, fruit can be eaten, deciduous tree. At present this tree has a bird nest. The bird nest has small size, hanging on branch, leaves made, vase shape. I feel fortune about this. I hope the birds like living on this tree. I will keep it.

Birdwatching in Beji is Easy and Joy

Birdwatching in Beji is Easy and Joy
Beji is village in south slope of Mount Slamet. Kedungbanteng subdistrict, Banyumas Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia. The temperature in Beji is 24-34 degree celcius. The coolest is between July and August. Beji village has a height 400 m above the sea surface. It is a fertile land in the slope of Mount Slamet. Beji abundant water supply because there is high rainfall. In the east part there is a big river which flows through Beji is Banjaran river. The river has function as irrigation. Irrigation is used for agriculture and ponds. I like coming here for fresh water best of all. My favorite place is paddy field that has a reputation lots bird species. I likes natural surroundings. Finding a birdwatching place with an air freshness in Beji is not too difficult. My favorite birdwatching is set in a paddy field. Are you interesting?

Where my birds in yogyakarta

My name is Yusnu Iman Nurhakim. You can call me iman. I am 28 years old. I live in Krapyak Wetan, 3.5 Km from Yogyakarta to south. I have spent my life time in Yogyakarta for 9 years. The first 7 years of my life in Yogyakarta, I studied in Gadjah Mada University. My major is Forestry Faculty with concentrate in forest resource of conservation study.

When i spent the first live in Yogyakarta, this city have lot paddy field. The birds like blekok (Ardeola speciosa) frequently had been seen on paddy field. They are in group. They feed like snail, insect and other molussc.

Every morning, i come and visit paddy field to watch this bird. With fresh air, cool weather, low pollutant i usually jog in surround Yogyakarta street. I usually stop for a moment when i saw the birds on paddy field. I sit near edge paddy field. I watch them. I feel happy if the birds fly in group and made "V" formation. Sometime i account them. I account birds there are 8-10 bird which can be counted. 

But, unfortunately the Yogyakarta city today is becoming the buildings cuty, crowd city, water pollution, trash in anywhere. Many paddy field gone, to be changed building. A street full vehicle, so crowded, poluttion in every where.. Trees cutting clear. The land is used settle. Every where you look, you just found buildings. The number of buildings have increased in each years. They built settlement, house, shop, house office an etc. I just found birds such as burung greja (Passer montana), burung pipit (Lonchura sp), Burung walet sapi (Colocalia esculanta). If i lucky i could to seen burung kacamata in shrubs.

The Yogyakarta city just remains green land such as mausoleum. If you want to get fresh air, cool air, low pollution come to mausoleum. You can go to krapyak wetan mausoleum which is one of sample.

I hope all people consider about this. I want my birds back to visit Yogyakarta city. I hope man and animals can live together. All i want is for people to start thinking about this things. I want to see the birds feed. I don't like see the birds in cage. I want to see birds fly on sky.