Birdwatching in Bipolo (Nusa Tenggara)

A small 50-ha remnant of lowland evergreen or swamp forest on the northeast end of Kupang Bay. Numerous wood-cutter’s trails and tracks dissect the forest providing easy access. In the dry season walk south along the sandy river bed, and you will eventually reach a vast area of paddies, mangroves and mudflats.

Key species
All lowland forest species, but especially good for pigeons and parrots. Only known locality (since 1930s) for Timor Green Pigeon; also good for Pink-headed Imperial Pigeon, and Timor Black Pigeon. Only recent Timor locality for Great-billed Parrot; also good for Olive-headed and Rainbow Lorikeets and Olive-shouldered Parrot. Cinnamon-banded Kingfisher breeds; Elegant Pitta abundant during wet season. Timor Blue Flycatcher and Orange-banded Thrush common.

Getting there
Turn left off main Kupang-Soe road at Oelmasi, just past km post 38 (about 1 hr from Kupang). This asphalt road, which is in poor condition, eventually arrives at Pariti. About 14 km from the Oelmasi turn-off is the village of Bipolo. Follow the road through Bipolo to a bridge over the river bed. After the bridge the road passes through forest for about 1.5 km until it reaches the next hamlet, Taupkole. To reach the paddies and mangroves to the south, follow the edge of forest (along the creek bed on the eastern forest edge, or from Taupkole along the edge of the tek plantation).

By public transport buses to Parita leave from Walikota bus station in Kupang. The last bus back is between 6.30 and 7 pm. The fare to Oelmasi is IDR 7,500. a taxi charter from Kupang will cost $25, extra if he has to wait.

Check with the sekretaris Desa Bipolo, who should be able to arrange for you to stay with a family. Take food with you as the area is poor.

source: Birding Indonesia. Periplus Publishing. Singapore