Pipit Jawa

Pipit Jawa (Lonchura leucogastroides)

Bahasa Indonesia: Bondol Jawa, Pipit

Deskripsi: (11 cm),  hitam, coklat dan putih pipit bertubuh kecil. Bagian atas coklat,  sisi-sisi gelap ekor bagian bawah putih coklat, atas dan dada hitam;  tampak jelas berwarna putih di depan perut, warna putih semakin berkurang ke belakang. putih;.Iris-coklat-keabu-abuan, kaki-coklat; Suara: cheeps lembut 'chi-ee-ee'

Distribusi dan status: Singapura (pendatang), Sumatera Selatan, Jawa, Bali dan Lombok. Di Jawa dan Bali, spesies ini mudah dijumpai hingga pada ketinggian 1500 m dpl.

Kebiasaan:bergerombol di sekitar tanaman budidaya.Hidup berpasangan. Mencari makan di atas tanah atau rerumputan; sering berkicau di sawah-sawah dan di pohon besar.

Diet: biji-bijian, padi.

Pembiakan: sarang berbentuk bola berongga yang menyisakan lubang untuk pintu masuk. Sarang sering ditemukan di pangkal pelepah palem atau semak-semak. Musim perkawinan  sepanjang tahun. Empat atau lima putih telur diletakkan.

Sumber: MacKinnon, John.1991.Field Panduan untuk Burung-burung Jawa dan Bali. Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.

Javan Munia

Javan Munia (Lonchura leucogastroides)
Indonesian : Bondol Jawa, Pipit

Description : Smallish (11 cm), solid, black, brown and white finch. Upperparts brown,  unstreaked; face and upper chest black; belly sides and flanks white undertail dark brown. Distinguished from white-bellied munia by lack of pale streaks on back, lack of yellowish tinge on tail, clean edge between black chest  and white abdomen and white, rather than brown, flanks.
Iris-brown; bill-brown; feet-greyish
Voice : soft cheeps ‘chee-ee-ee’

Distribution and status: Singapore (introduced), South Sumatra, Java, Bali and Lombok. In Java and Bali this is a very common and widespread species up to 1500 m.

Habits: Frequents all kinds of cultivated areas and natural grassy patches. Forms flocks during rice harvest but usually pair-living or in small parties. Feeds on the ground or plucks seed from grass heads; spends much time in noisy chirping and grooming in large trees. Diet : Grass seeds, rice.

Breeding: The nest is a loose hollow sphere of grass blades or other material fixed quite high in a tree among ephiphytes, palm axils or other confined spot. Breeding is year-round. Four or five white eggs are laid.

Source: MacKinnon, John.1991.Field Guide to The Birds of Java and Bali. Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.