A Birder's Best Friend For Birdwatching In Moluccas

A Birder’s Best Friend
This is due in part to the daily flights to Ternate, the famous neighbouring spice island, from Manado or Ambon, but it is mainly because the first adventurous birder chanced to meet Deminaus Bagadli (or Anu, as he is universally known), a farmer with a natural talent for birding, who has since become host, friend and ace guide to visiting birders.

Anu’s “birdwatchers home”, a very basic losmen, is located in a dip to the right of the road at Tanah Batu Putih, 8 km along the road out of Sidangoli. Forested hills rise up behind the house, making it a great place to hang out and get into some serious birding. Finding it is simple: just climb into any of the bemos meeting the ferry and ask for Tempat Burung Bidadari (bidadari, or fairy bird, is the local name for standardwing).

Nowadays, Anu is often away working on conservation projects, so it is best first to call in at his brother’s shop, Toko Mandiri, in Domato village, to make arrangements. If Anu is not around, his detailed birders’ log will point you in the right direction.

Source: Birding Indonesia. Periplus Publishing. Singapore