Sago Swamp (Birdwatching in Halmahera Islands)

Sago Swamp is Interest Place for New Experience Adventure
No visit to Tanah Batu Putih is complete without at least an attempt to see the invisible Rail. The species had not been seen for 35 years when Anu rediscovered it in 1995 in a sago swamp, a 30-minute hike inland from Sidangoli. You really will need luck to see this rarity, though Anu will undoubtedly be getting better at finding it, but, even if the rail remains invisible, the Great-billed Heron nest Anu can show you will certainly make the trip worthwhile.

By nightfall, you will be exhausted from a hard day’s birding, but make the effort to return to the logging trail to search for Moluccan Owlet-nightjar. The sight of this strange bird, caught in a torch beam, will end a never-to-be forgotten trip to Halmahera.

Source: Birding Indonesia. Periplus Publishing. Singapore