A tiny (less than 5 ha) remnant of lower montane (1,100 m above sea level) evergreen forest on the way from Soe to Kapan and Mt Mutis.
Key species
Very similar to Buat, but easier to access. Chestnut-backed Thrush once recorded here (but Orange-banded more usual). Mountain White-eye and Blood-breasted Flowerpecker possible.
Getting there
Take the Soe-Kapan road. Stop at km post 14 from Soe, where the road passes through forest (for about 300 m). most of the forest is on a steep hill on the right-hand (east) side of the road. A walking trail follows the southern edge, starting at a wooden-pole gate by the roadside. There are regular bemos from Soe, fare IDR 2,000.
taken from Birding Indonesia. Periplus Publishing. Singapore