Village Bayung Gede, Bali

Bayung Gede village located in Bangli District, Subdistrict Kintamani, Bali. This village still hold fast to the ancient culture of Bali (Bali Aga). The tourists will be visiting this village from Denpasar can be served by an existing travel agents. Hotel in Bali is usually already tourist services put the tourists as well as desired. From the city of Denpasar, the village Bayung Gede is approximately 55 miles.
Tour guides who are appointed by the travel agent or hotel in Bali will be happy provide an explanation of the history of the village. From the narrative of traditional village elders,This village existed before the era of the triumph of Majapahit kingdom around the 14th century. This evidence canwitnessed by us of the customs and ceremonies of different procedures with the Balinese ceremonies generally. Gede Bayung meaning itself is super power (super power).That said, the ancestral village requires tremendous force to open forest as a residence.
Employers hotel in Bali and travel agents to enter this village as one of the villages tours. The attractiveness of rural tourism which makes the tourists to visit, among others: burial of the placenta by means stored in a coconut shell which is then hanged on a tree in the cemetery. Layout and building architecture Bayung Gede village that clung to the traditional rules that deserve to be as a tourist attraction.
Sloping topography of the village who need soil and water conservation is good. The existence bamboo forest which covers 40% of the total area of ​​the village is able to maintain natural balance Bayung Gede village. The tourists who want to ride around the village in a bamboo forest can be guided by the travel agents and hotels in Bali. Forest bamboo can make the air cool, fresh and fun variety of wildlife in it. Bamboo forest in the village can be sustainable due to people still blindly against customary rules in the utilization of bamboo. For cycling, village roads already using a paving-stone block and brush so comfortable and safe.