In general the bird fauna of towns tends to have a lower species richness and divesity than nearby forest, but the biomass and density are higher, and there are a very few dominant species. In addition, the major guild shifts from the bark and canopy insect eaters to ground feeders. These changes are not surprising since relatively few urban trees exceed 10 m in height, and they are often widely dispersed between large areas of grass or hedges. The total number of individual birds and bird species is low in urban centres. Part of the reason is the predatory habits of young children with catapults, but ecological reasons include the lack of fruit suitable for birds and the few insects able to utilizzze the 'foreign' trees, leading to less food being available for insectivorous or partially-insectivorous birds.
The eurasian tree sparrow has spread widely in Indonesia. It is native of Eurpe, Russia and China, an probably first arrived in Indonesia aboard ships in the 16TH and 17TH centuries. The most frequent feeding preference is for insects accounting for 24 of the 39 species above. Some of these eat insects as a major part of their diet, while others eat insects as an important component of their diets when a higher protein intake is required such as during moulting or breeding or when they are feeding young. Insects are more abundant on trees with finely-divided leaves such as Samanea, Casuarina, Delonix, Parkia and Albazia, probably because of the greater number pf potensial resting places. Insect-rich microhabitats are also created by the growth of epiphytes, creepers and climbers on the trees.
The proprtion of nectarivorous birds is very small, but they are attractive to urban dwellers because of their bright colurs and their pleasing songs. In addition, the flowers from which they suck nectar are generally large and showy to attract these birds (as well as butterflies) to heights at which they can be easily seen, lants such as Hibiscus rosasinensis, Ixora and Calliandra can be planted.
Birds need not only food, but also places and materials for nesting. Two of the most favoured nesting materials are the fluffy seeds from Ceiba pentandra and long grass. Certain swiflets also use the dead leaves of Casuarina. Thus, these plants must be available in any area where birds are being encoraged to live. Hole-nesting birds can also be encouraged by leaving dead boughs in place, but only where human life is not endangered. In summary the best way to attract birds to urban areas is to provide areas of heterogenerous vegetation-tall aand short trees, shrubs and undergrowth, including long grass-and protecting from catapults.
Birdbody berisi informasi seputar pariwisata, hotel, kuliner dan budaya khas Indonesia
Derita Pipit Jawa di Ruang Terbuka Hijau
Burung pipit jawa mudah dijumpai oleh kita. Di ruang terbuka hijau, burung ini banyak bersarang di pepohonan. Sarang burung dibuat dari campuran plastik, kertas, tali plastik dan dedaunan. Anak-anak kecil sering mengusik sarang burung ini. Mereka mengambil sarang yang sudah berisi piyik. Nantinya, piyik burung pipit ini dipelihara oleh anak-anak di kandang. Setiap sarang berisi piyik dengan jumlah antara 4-6 anakan. Kelak, jika piyik sudah bisa terbang, burung ini akan dapat kembali ke kandang dengan sendirinya.
Sayangnya, burung pipit ini mudah cepat mati. Burung pipit ini tidak sempat berkembang biak. Ia tidak sempat menemukan pasangan hidupnya. Jadi, ada baiknya kita tidak usah mengambil sarang burung pipit jawa di ruang terbuka hijau. Lebih baik kita membiarkan burung pipit ini hidup di alam terbuka. Bukankah ruang terbuka hijau di daerah perkotaan sudah sangat sempit? Hati kita akan lebih senang dan damai mendengar kicauan burung di ruang terbuka hijau. Perasaan indah mewarnai hidup kita ketika burung-burung pipit jawa saling bercanda dan bernyanyi dengan teman-temannya. Buat siapa saja di seluruh penjuru dunia, biarkanlah burung pipit jawa hidup berdampingan dengan kita.
Sayangnya, burung pipit ini mudah cepat mati. Burung pipit ini tidak sempat berkembang biak. Ia tidak sempat menemukan pasangan hidupnya. Jadi, ada baiknya kita tidak usah mengambil sarang burung pipit jawa di ruang terbuka hijau. Lebih baik kita membiarkan burung pipit ini hidup di alam terbuka. Bukankah ruang terbuka hijau di daerah perkotaan sudah sangat sempit? Hati kita akan lebih senang dan damai mendengar kicauan burung di ruang terbuka hijau. Perasaan indah mewarnai hidup kita ketika burung-burung pipit jawa saling bercanda dan bernyanyi dengan teman-temannya. Buat siapa saja di seluruh penjuru dunia, biarkanlah burung pipit jawa hidup berdampingan dengan kita.
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