These beautiful, white seabirds, with their long, central tail streamers, breed in small numbers on sea cliffs along the south coasts of java and Bali and also in eastern Indonesia. They are rarely seen at sea in Indonesia. (2 species)
Taken from Jepson, P, 1997, Birding Indonesia, Periplus Editions. Singapore

Common along the coasts of the archipelago, frigatebirds are unmistakeable: large, with black body, long-bowed, pointed wings and forked tail. The Lesser is the commonest species, but identification of immatures is headache-bring notes from specialist seabird guides if you want to be sure.(3 species)
Taken from Jepson, P, 1997, Birding Indonesia, Periplus Editions. Singapore

Bird Family

These very large, 1-m tall, flightless birds inhabit the forest of Irian Jaya. The Southern Cassowary is also found on Seram, where it was presumably introduced long ago.(3 species)
Taken from Jepson, P, 1997, Birding Indonesia, Periplus Editions. Singapore

Procellariidae/Hydrobatidae-petrels and shearwaters:
Indonesia is generally poor in seabird and no good sea-watching sites are known, although the Sunda Strait, between Sumatra and Java, has potential in the autumn. Wedge-tailed Shearwater, Bulwer’s Petrel and Matsudaira’s Storm petrel are the species most often seen from inter-island ferries.(15 species)
Taken from Jepson, P, 1997, Birding Indonesia, Periplus Editions. Singapore