Spot-Billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis)

Indonesian: Undan paruh totol

Description: very large (150 cm) grey, pink-billed pelican. Grey plumage and blue-spotted pink bill distinctive. Wings darkish grey. Bill pouch is purple. Iris –pale brown; naked skin round eye –pink; bill –pink; feet –brown.

Voice: husky, hissing calls only during breeding period.

Distribution and status: breeds in Persian gulf, Sri lanka and Burma. Visits S. Asia and Philippines. Rare vagrants have reached Java.

Habits: lives in large flocks which cooperate in hunting by driving fish to a shallow corner of a lake or estuary then dip in a sweeping motion to scoop them into the pouch. Flies in V-formation or long lines. Sometimes plunge dives on fish from mid air. Inhabits sheltered coastal bays, estuaries, lakes and large rivers.

Diet: large fish

White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus)

Indonesian – Undan putih

Description: huge (170 cm) white pelican. Plumage white except for black primaries and secondaries. There is a small crest on back of head, a tuft of yellow on the breast. Immature birds are brown. Iris –red; bill –purplish; naked pouch –yellow; naked facial skin-pink; feet-pink.

Voice: Generally silent

Distribution and status: breeds in south Europe, Africa, and Central Asia rare winter strays have reached Java.

Habits: Typical of family with cooperative fishing, flying in formation and plunge-diving. Frequents lakes and large rivers.

Diet: Large fish