Bali Barat National Park

The 17,500 ha Bali Barat National Park lies on the far western tip of Bali. Along the northern coast it protects the last areas of dry forest on the island, home of the remaining wild population of Bali starling, which numbers just 35. the rest of the park has wetter forest. The park’s main tourist attraction is the excellent wall of reefs around menjangan island. For birders the park is poorly served with trails, nevertheless the area offers an excellent mix of habitats, muddy shores, mangroves, dry forest and scrub, with wetter forests on the east of the north coast road, which bisect the park.

taken from: Birding Indonesia. Periplus Publishing. Singapore


General Information
Bemos and buses from marketplace or lakeside, IDR 3,000 to singaraja, IDR 6,000 to Gilimanuk. Boat rides on lake Braten, $5-8 per har. To see waterfowl on Lake buyan: 2 km along south boundary road, stop near school, walk to lakeside on grassy track.

source: birding indonesia. periplus publishing. singapore