Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus)

Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus)
Indonesian : Burung Gereja
The tree sparrow has spread widely in Krapyak Wetan Jogjakarta. This birds good for fill pioneer fauna in urban or suburban city. Eurasian tree sparrow seem cosmopolitan birds for any where place. If you build buildings maybe firstly to see the birds is Eurasian tree sparrow and then Javan Munia. The colour this birds not attractive, not bright, tend dark. I’m not interest with this bird. But it is not means I freely disturb or hunt this birds. I love and care them.

Birdwatching tips in Indonesia Tropical Rainforest
The golden rule for successful forest birding is to wear dull colours. Walking around in bright T-shirts (white is the worst) severely handicaps your ability to approach unnoticed, and caucasian birders should remember that white arms and legs are similarly conspicuous. Wearing long-sleeved shirts and trousers will also help you to avoid scratches and bites.

Tomorrow, we will birdwatching in keraton jogjakarta area. Start at 05.30 until finished. You can join with me! We meet in Alun-alun Kidul (South square Jogja Palace).