Wedge-tailed Shearwater (Puffinus pacificus)

Indonesian-Penggunting laut

Description: medium-sized (39 cm) long-winged, wedge-tailed shearwater. Occurs in light and dark colour phases. In dark phase it is dark chocolate all over with grey bill and pinkish legs. In pale phase it is brown above, whitish below with white underwings showing dark borders and undertail coverts; the bill is dark pink; feet-flesh-coloured.

Voice: a slow wailing song at breeding sites but silent at sea.

Distribution and status: Indian and pacific oceans. Stray bird can occur anywhere in S.E. Asian waters. Occasional records off Javan coasts.

Habits: flies low over the sea. Banking from side to side with occasional swoops and frequently gliding so low over water that the wing tips touch surface at bottom of beat.

Diet: fish, squids, plankton and crustaceans.