Birdwatching in Around Surabaya (East Java)

Around Surabaya
Herons and Dowitchers on the Solo Delta
At first glance the industrialized region of Surabaya may not seem very promising for birding, but marveling at spectacular heronries, watching Asian Dowitchers on the Solo Delta, or relaxing at the hill retreat of Trawas are just some of the highlights this area has to offer.

Sadly, the abundant egrets and herons that once enlivened Java’s rice fields are becoming a sight of the past; pesticides, persecution and the destruction of suitable nesting trees have all taken their toll. Today, heronries are generally restricted to remote reserves and off-shore islands, but nesting herons also find safe havens in some of Java’s big cities. In Surabaya, a large colony of night herons has taken up residence in the zoo, where their droppings try the patience of zoo-keepers and visitors alike.

taken from Birding Indonesia. Periplus Publishing. Singapore