Birdwatching in Parangtritis Beach Yogyakarta

Bordered by the deep blue indian Ocean on the south it is only natural that Yogyakarta has series of beautiful beaches on its long coast-line. The most popular is Parangtritis Beach, 28 km away. Legend has it is that Parangtritis is the domain of Nyai Roro Kidul, the beautiful Quen of The South Seas, who was married to Panembahan Senopati, the founder of modern mataram empire. There are also popular as a row of three beaches Baron, Kukup, Sundak and Krakal which are about 70 kilometres from the city. Smooth asphalt roads, winding up and down the hill, lead us easily to these exotic beaches. And if we go a bit further, Wediombo, a quiet unexplored beach will welcome us. The white-sand, clear water and thundering waves offer a breathtaking view.