The Birding Travel Experience

The birding Travel Experience
Putting a name to the bird is essential for many birders, but of course it is only one part of the enjoyment of bird-watching: the form, colours, calls, behavior and ecology of birds is what makes the hobby so absorbing. The opportunity to see new and fascinating facets of these is the is the great draw of the tropics, and Indonesia is packed with the beautiful, evocative, unexpected and sometimes downright bizarre aspect of bird. From the manic laugh of the Helmeted Hornbill and splendid colours pitas to the unique nesting behavior of the megapodes and gorgeous displays of the birds-of-paradise, Indonesia is delight whatever your particular birdwatching preference.Taken from Jepson, P, 1997, Birding Indonesia, Periplus Editions. Singapore

Field Guide (3)

In Celebes, bird identification is difficult without a comprehensive field guide, but it is surprising how far you can get armed only with island checklist in Nusa Tenggara and Mollucas. Most island support under a hundred forest species, with only a few representatives of each family. If you already know, for instance, the difference between a fruit-dove, a green pigeon, a cuckoo-dove and an imperial pigeon, faced with an unfamiliar pigeon there are probably only two or three options, and the species name will give you the last clue to identification. Island lists can be found in The Ecology of Nusa Tenggara and Mollucas by Kathryn Monk et al or on the BirdLife Indonesia Programme’s homepage on the World Wide Web. A checklist, which shows regional distribution, is included in the Practicalities.

Taken from Jepson, P, 1997, Birding Indonesia, Periplus Editions. Singapore