Red-Tailed Tropicbird (Phaethon rubricauda)

Indonesian – Burung buntut satek merah

Description: largish (46 cm excluding tail streamers) white or pinkish tropicbird. A white and pink form occur. Adults can be distinguished from White-tailed Tropicbird by orange bill, less black in plumage and red tail streamers (very difficult to see from a moving boat). Immature distinguished by black bill. Iris –dark; feet –blue with black webs.

Voice: Ratchet-like “pirr-igh” call in flight, and loud screams at nest.

Distribution and status: tropical and sub-tropical Indian and Pacific oceans. Does not breed in our area but occasional vagrants may be brought close to the Javan by bad weather.

Habits: keeps well to sea. Flight similar to white-tailed Tropicbird. Partly nocturnal.

Diet: Squids and fish.

Race: P.r. westralis