Swinhoe's Storm-petrel (Oceanodroma monorhis)

Indonesian- Petrel badai coklat

Description: very small (18 cm) dark, fork-tailed petrel. Plumage all over sooty chocolate with paler grey wingbar, grayish crown, chin and rump. Iris-dark; bill and feet –black.

Voice: silent at sea

Distribution and status: breeds in south China Sea off S. Japan and Formosa and Pescador Island and ranges through to N. India Ocean. Rare birds are forced into Javan coastal waters in bad weather.

Habits: the flight is distinctive and tern-like with much bounding and swooping over the water, never pattering along the surface – sometimes follows ships.

Diet: fish, plankton, crustaceans, small squids.

Race: O.m. monorhis