Taman Burung

The taman burung (bird park) is part of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII)(beautiful Indonesia in Miniature), a theme park featuring the varied cultural and artistic traditions of the country. The bird park design is based on Wallace’s line, and two massive domes house birds of east and west Indonesia. A great place to brush up your identification skills and to photograph birds.

Getting there
TMII is located 3-4 km south of Jakarta just off the Jagorawi toll road; take a taxi or a S15A angkot from Ragunan/Pasar Minggu (IDR 2,500)

General information
Open daily 8.00 am-05.00 pm, general admission IDR 5,000 and further IDR 5,000 to enter the bird park.
source: Birding Indonesia. Periplus Publishing. Singapore