Learn To Cook With Le Cordon Bleu

Le Cordon Bleu, founded in Paris in 1985, offers a diversified programe. In cuisine, course are available at three levels, each lasting three months. In the Basic Cuisine Course, students learn the fundamentals of Haute Cuisine. Going a step further, they then use their skills and recipes learned to prepare more elaborate dishes in the Intermediate and Superior Cuisine course. Success at all three levels leads to Le Cordon Bleu Cuisine Diploma.
Learn to cook with le cordon bleu
Le Cordon Bleu
In Pastry, the school offers Basic Pastry and Superior Pastry courses, each also lasting three months. Upon successful completion of both levels, students receive Le Cordon Blue Pastry Diploma.

Those who pass the examinations in both Cuisine and Pastry are awarded the Grand Diplome. This marks the close of the programme.

Le Cordon Bleu also organizes introductory and advanced Intensive Sessions over four to five days for amateurs and professionals alike. The courses deal with topics like Charcutirie, Basic Sauces and Stocks, Fish, French Regional Cuisine, Vacuum-Packed Cuisine, Bread-Baking and Pastry.